Both varicose veins and spider veins can appear almost anywhere on the body; varicose veins are most commonly found on the legs, whereas spider veins most commonly occur on the face around the nose, cheeks, and chin. Varicose veins are veins that have become twisted, bulging, and enlarged and are heredi­tary. Varicose veins are typically 3 mm or more in diameter and are more com­mon in women than men. On the other hand, spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that are near the surface of the skin and are rarely larger than a few millimeters.

Stork bite or angel’s kiss

■ Pink

■ Irregular and flat

■ Less than 3 inches in diameter

■ Located usually on the neck, head, or top lip

■ Most fade or disappear by 12 months Mongolian blue spot

■ Bluish, bruise-like

■ Irregular and flat

■ About 4 inches in diameter

■ Located on the lower back and buttocks

■ Most common in dark-skinned people; most noticeable in East Asians

■ Might not appear until after birth and gradually fade; have been mis­taken for abuse bruises

Strawberry mark

■ Red

■ Raised and lumpy

■ Can appear anywhere on the body

■ Usually appears between one and four weeks of age; can grow rapidly before stopping and fading; 60 percent are gone by age 5, 90 percent gone by age 10

Cafe au lait spot

■ Light brown, like coffee with milk

■ Oval shaped

■ Can appear anywhere on the body

■ One or two spots are common

■These spots do not fade with age Congenital melanocytic nevus

■ Light brown in fair-skinned people to almost black in people with darker skin

■ Irregular shapes; usually flat, though large ones can be raised and bumpy

■ Range in size from less than % inch (11 mm) to about 11 inches (30cm)

■ Can appear anywhere on the body Port wine stain

■ Pale pink at birth, becoming darker with age and changing to a deep wine red

■ Irregular shapes

■ Usually larger than 4 inches in diameter

■ Often occur on the face

■ Occurs in three out of 1,000 births

■ The marks do not fade[19]


Birthmarks are pigment lesions on the skin—abnormal tissue usually caused by disease or trauma—that forms before birth. Some types of birthmarks even seem to run in families. There are several types of birthmarks, including these:









Updated: June 18, 2015 — 5:45 pm