Beauty starts with smooth, healthy, glowing skin.
Anyone can learn to become a skincare expert by:
Understanding how lifestyle impacts the condition of the skin,
Knowing how skin works,
Learning the basics of skincare, including
How to analyze skin conditions,
How to identify skin types,
How to properly care for skin,
Knowing skincare ingredients and how they work in order to select and use the appropriate products.
Beautiful skin begins with a healthy lifestyle. While heredity may determine how your skin looks, behaves, and ages, you can improve it by taking good care of yourself. Skincare basics include eating the right foods, drinking plenty of water, exercising, getting enough sleep, protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and limiting your intake of both caffeine and alcohol.
The health of your skin begins with good nutrition. New, living cells continually replace the dead cells on the surface of the skin. The growth of new cells is dependent on vitamins, minerals, and hydration.
Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Remember to look for the “ACE” vitamins: A to help prevent aging, C to promote clarity, and E to protect against the environment. Vitamins A and C are most important for healthy skin and are plentiful in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is found in carrots, spinach, watercress, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and melons. Peppers, strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, and leafy greens all contain vitamin C. Also include whole-grain foods, nuts, dairy, fish, and beans in your diet. They are all foods rich in zinc, which promotes healing and reduces inflammation in the body.
Biotin is another nutrient needed for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It is sometimes identified as vitamin H and is part of the vitamin B complex. Foods such as peanut butter, whole grains, eggs, and liver contain biotin and can help prevent dermatitis and hair loss.
There are many advantages to taking your vitamins in food rather than in pill form When you eat, you are never getting single, isolated nutrients. For instance, a bowl of leafy greens provides an abundance of several important vitamins, such as B, K, and E, as well as fiber and antioxidants. The fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that provide fiber also naturally deliver vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. It is virtually impossible to consume dangerous levels of any vitamins or minerals through diet alone.
Your diet has a direct impact on not only your overall health and how you feel but also on how you look. Certain nutrients in particular are important for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Think of them as your beauty vitamins.
Antioxidant essential for the growth and renewal of new skin cells. Topically applied, may boost
collagen production and promote skin cell turnover.
Egg yolks, dairy
Increases fatty acids in the skin, promoting exfoliation and firmness.
Yeast, eggs, liver, vegetables
Building block of collagen, the protein that gives skin its structure, tone, and elasticity.
Citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, berries, tomatoes
Essential for the development of skin cells.
Egg yolks, salmon, fortified milk, and other dairy products
Antioxidant that helps build and maintain healthy skin tissue.
Wheat germ, leafy greens, nuts, whole grains
Fat is also an important nutrient for the skin and the health of the whole body. It is necessary for
supple skin and soft, shiny hair.
Incorporate unsaturated fats, such as the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and avocado,
with omega-3 fats, found in fatty fish and some seeds, into your daily diet.
Keep these healthy foods on hand for satisfying between-meal
String cheese
Chocolate protein powder
Protein bars
Low-fat ricotta cheese with a dash of vanilla
Hard-boiled eggs
Water with a bit of unsweetened cranberry extract or lemon juice
Our bodies are 80 percent water. Without sufficient hydration, the skin cells become dry and flaky. To keep the body, including the skin, hydrated, eat foods with a high water content, such as fruits, vegetables, and clear soups, and drink at least eight glasses of water a day. It is important to limit your intake of coffee and other drinks containing caffeine, as they are diuretics that remove water from the body and block the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Exercise is a skincare essential. Raising the heart rate through vigorous exercise increases blood flow, brings more oxygen to the skin, and cleanses impurities from the body through sweat. Just twenty to thirty minutes of exercise a day is enough to help boost your immune system, reduce stress, lower blood pressure, strengthen your heart, build stronger bones, increase your energy level, and improve your mood. Ideally, you want to do a mix of aerobic exercise and strength training. Aerobic exercise helps get the blood flowing, so take a walk, run, or swim regularly. With regular exercise, you build lean muscle mass and raise your metabolism Since the metabolism slows with age, exercise is fundamental to weight management.
Sleep is the time when the body’s cells have a chance to repair and regenerate. Sleep deprivation stresses all of the body’s systems, including the skin, and can result in headaches, irritability, lack of energy, or the inability to focus. The skin becomes less elastic and prone to outbreaks of acne or rashes.
Smile, be positive, breathe, and take a vacation once in a while.
Excess sun exposure is skin’s number-one enemy. It causes premature aging, including wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and hyperpigmentation. Worse, overexposure often causes deadly forms of skin cancer. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 in the winter and 30 in the summer.
Smoking also causes the skin to age prematurely. Nicotine impairs the blood vessels that provide skin with both oxygen and nutrients and rid the skin of impurities. It eventually robs the skin of oxygen, causing it to look dull and gray. With low levels of oxygen, the skin loses elasticity, which leads to sagging and wrinkling.
Skin problems can be caused by excessive alcohol intake. Alcohol can cause allergic reactions, such as hives and rashes. Some people have allergic reactions to salicylates, which occur in such foods as berries, bananas, beans, grapes, and wine. If a rash appears after you eat these foods, it is likely that beer and wine will also cause outbreaks.
Stress often shows up on the skin. Stress-related hormonal fluctuations can cause adult acne and other skin problems. While healthy eating and exercise habits help to combat the symptoms of anxiety and stress, finding mechanisms to deal with the underlying causes of stress is important.
Drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day will help flush out toxins and keep all skin types clear. Drink one glass of water each time you have a beverage that contains alcohol or caffeine.
Few people have naturally perfect skin. With some knowledge, experience, good diet, and exercise, it is possible to greatly improve the appearance of the skin. The condition of the skin changes from day to day and season to season. Hormonal fluctuations, stress, pregnancy, medication, travel, and seasonal changes are only a few of the factors that can cause skin to act up. If you learn to recognize the various skin conditions, you will be able to choose the right cleansing options and moisturizers.
The skin is composed of three layers: a deep layer called the hypodermis, a middle layer called the dermis, and a surface layer called the epidermis. The epidermis gives immediate, visual clues to the condition and health of the skin, while the dermis determines how the skin responds and changes with age. The hypodermis, the deepest layer, contains a layer of fat, blood vessels, and nerves.
Skin’s middle layer, the dermis, is composed mostly of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that give skin structure, strength, and flexibility. As we age, collagen and elastin production diminishes. The results show up on the face as a loss of firmness, rougher texture, more obvious wrinkles, and sagging.
Hair follicles, nerves, blood vessels, and sebaceous glands are also part of the dermis. Sebaceous glands produce sebum This oily substance moves through the hair shaft to the top layer of the skin, where it covers the epidermis and provides a protective barrier against moisture loss. Too much
sebum results in oily skin.
The outermost layer of skin, the epidermis, is several layers deep. Basal cells are created in the lowest layer and then migrate through a hardened layer to the stratum corneum, from which they fall off the body. The skin continually sloughs off the dead cells and grows new living cells. It takes about a month for a live basal cell to move to the top layer of the epidermis. As the cell moves toward the surface of the skin, it loses moisture and oxygen content.
On the surface of the epidermis is a layer of oil transported from the dermis by the hair follicles that forms a natural barrier, helping the skin to retain water. Harsh and scented cleansing products, exposure to chemical and biological pollution in the environment, and poor diet can remove this protective oil-based layer from the skin. This layer can be replenished with moisturizer.
Moisturizers work in several ways. First, they fill in the spaces between the relatively dry, or cornified, cells of the epidermis, making the skin feel and appear smoother. They also create a barrier on the skin, helping the skin retain water. The oil content in moisturizers works with the protective lipid coating of the skin to partially protect the skin from the air. Care must be taken in the selection and use of moisturizing products, as they make a huge difference in how the skin works. Hydration is the key to smooth, even skin, and moisturization is the external way to achieve it.
ANALYSIS OF THE SKIN The following descriptions will help you recognize skin conditions and make decisions about skincare products.
Smooth, even texture with small pores
Cheeks are the driest area, but not excessively so
May experience some shine and larger pores on the forehead, nose, or chin Water and oil content in this skin is balanced
Normal skin needs routine cleansing with a foaming cleanser, exfoliation twice a week, moisturization with lightweight lotions, and the use of a sunscreen to keep it healthy. A diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E helps keep skin smooth and soft. Sufficient fluid intake is important to maintain hydration and rid the body of toxins.
Feels tight after washing May look dry or flaky Feels rough and uneven; dehydrated May be sensitive
Pores are small—almost invisible Shows fine lines faster than other skin types
Dry skin requires special care. A lifestyle that includes a healthy diet with foods high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables, and at least eight glasses of water a day keeps this skin type hydrated. Caffeine and alcohol cause dehydration, so limit intake to two cups or glasses a day. Using richer cleansers, limiting sun exposure, and using a good moisturizer can protect your skin’s natural oils. Layering different textures of moisturizer can do wonders to hydrate the skin. Begin with lightweight face oil, and then layer a richer cream over that. Night creams with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) help remove the dry, dead skin while moisturizing the new. Air-conditioning and heating create dry environments. Correct this in your home by using humidifiers.
Look at your own clean, unmoisturized skin in the mirror. Is the overall texture flaky (dry), shiny (oily), or smooth (normal)?
How does your skin feel after you wash it with your current cleansing regimen? Tightness through the forehead is an indication of dry skin.
How does your skin normally look by midday? Is there oil breakthrough or dryness even though you have moisturized?
What lifestyle factors are influencing your skin’s current condition: stress? hormonal fluctuations? sun exposure? diet?
Does your skin have noticeable sun damage? How are you protecting yourself against the sun?
An accurate skin analysis will help you determine the most effective cleansing, hydration, and makeup products for your skin type and condition. However, when problem skin shows no improvement or worsens, see a dermatologist.
Oily skin is shiny, especially through the T-zone (the forehead, nose, and chin); it is a condition caused by overactive sebaceous, or oil-producing, glands.
May have large, visible pores
Frequent breakouts
Few signs of aging, such as fine lines
Management of oily skin and the prevention of breakouts requires a healthy diet and a regular skincare routine. Cleanse the face at least twice a day to prevent dirt accumulation and to keep pores open. Use an alcohol-free astringent to remove excess oil. Use oil-free moisturizers to keep the skin from overdrying.
Oily through the T-zone
Dry cheeks or spot dehydration
Larger pores on the forehead, nose, and chin
Care for this skin type requires regular cleansing, toning, and moisturizing of the oily areas and the use of a milder cleanser and denser moisturizer for the dry areas. Moisturizing products containing AHA will benefit this skin type.
Can range from dry to oily
Easily irritated by cosmetics, moisturizers, and cleansers Sensitive and prone to redness Itchy or blotchy
Sensitive skin requires mild, nonperfumed cleansing products. Use an alcohol-free toner formulated for sensitive skin. Also, use cleansers and moisturizers specifically formulated for this type of skin.
Don’t be fooled. The skin’s condition can be quickly impacted by changes in environment, health, diet, and even current product choices for cleansing, toning, moisturizing, or makeup. There are many skin conditions that can hide your actual skin type. Redness, dryness, or flaking can be caused by a medical condition or medication. Skincare products can be overused, causing oily skin to become dry or flaky. Dry skin that is overmoisturized can appear greasy. Redness and irritation can be caused by low-grade allergies to cleansing, moisturizing, or makeup products, necessitating a change to gentler products.