
We won’t detail a set list of tools and materials that you’ll need to cast an appli­ance in silicone, for the simple reason that though there are certain similarities in the process for casting any silicone appliance, each different makeup will be. . . well, different. Here are several items you will most definitely need:

Two-part silicone Mixing containers

Mixing sticks Digital scale

Mold Mold release

Mold straps or clamps Powder

Screwdriver Air compressor

Vacuum/pressure chamber Syringe (at least 100ml)

Silicone can be cast into a mold in more than one way. It can be poured, brushed, stippled, or injected. Or it can be cast using com­bination of these methods. The way the silicone gets into the mold is largely dependent on the type of prosthetic being cast. A full-head cowl appliance would be impossible to pour. A thin layer of sili­cone could be stippled into the mold halves first, to ensure that all details have been captured before placing the mold pieces together and then injecting the balance of the silicone into the mold.

Updated: July 6, 2015 — 9:00 pm