
By the law of physics, a noncoherent flash of light can only travel a fraction of the dis­tance than that of a coherent beam like a 1,064 nm YAG laser, and subsequently cannot penetrate nearly as deep into the skin. For this reason, the pulsed light systems in the mar­ket today have not been optimized for treating deep vessels such as leg veins, or treating the deeper dermal lesions such as Neavus of Ota. They are however ideal for treating most sun- based pigmentation, facial vascular issues, and most types of hair removal. As with any light, there is a large amount of scatter off the skin when the pulse flashes. A process devel­oped and patented by Palomar Medical and Massachusetts General Hospital, called photon recycling, uses a series of mirrors to capture the scattered light and recycle it back into the target [4]. This allows for maximum energy to reach the target in a single pulse.

An essential part of any pulsed light treatment is the use of proper cooling. Using proper materials and the proper technology, a system can employ all the benefits of multiband wavelengths and dual filtration, as well as parallel, contact cooling during the actual flash [5-8]. By using a water-cooling system that has two stage capabilities, a system can remain cold even after several hundred shots. A sapphire tip is necessary for proper heat dissipation. Many cheaper systems will use quartz, which insulates the heat in the skin, increasing the opportunity for side effects. A pulsed light system can range from $4,000-$ 120,000 depending on the materials used in its construction, and it is extremely important for con­sumers to understand that they are not even close to being equal technologies. The cheaper the product, the poorer the quality of the materials and technology that is being used.

Although sun-based pigmentation is a relatively easy treatment, in order to deal with vascular issues, fighting acne, and unwanted hair, a proper combination of dual filtration, two-stage contact cooling, photon recycling, and a sapphire tip is necessary to safely and effectively treat the condition.

Updated: September 14, 2015 — 4:21 pm