Peel and mash a ripe peach. Strain to extract all of the juice. Mix juice with an equal amount of heavy whipping cream. Massage into skin and leave on about fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water.

The gentle fruit acid from the peach and the lactic acid from the cream will soothe and smoothe your skin.



This will keep your skin balanced and refreshed. Mix one cup of warm water with two tablespoons of chopped parsley, one-half of a russet potato (scrubbed but not peeled), one-quarter of an unpeeled cucumber, one teaspoon of almond extract, and two teaspoons of lemon juice in a pan. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat, strain, and cool. Apply to skin with a cotton swab.


Mix one teaspoon of aloe vera gel with one teaspoon of honey. Apply it to the affected area for a few minutes. Then rinse with cool water. This mixture will cool the skin while pre­venting peeling.


Blend two cups of crushed macadamia nuts with two sprigs of fresh mint, one-half cup of honey, and one-half teaspoon of almond extract. Mix it all into a paste. Rub all over your body. Rinse and pat skin dry.


Mix one tablespoon of coarse salt with one tablespoon of olive oil. Massage into elbows for one minute, rinse, and then rub half of a fresh cut lemon on the area for thirty seconds. Rinse again.

Updated: July 9, 2015 — 2:00 pm