Choose hotels with interior room entrances and avoid hotels with hallways that lead to a parking lot or maintenance area.

Pick a hotel location where transportation and security is readily available.

A smaller hotel and lobby is safer than a large hotel since staff will notice strangers and loiterers more easily.

Always ask for a higher floor. Never accept a first-floor room.

Ask that your room number be written down, not spoken.

Book a room close to the elevator.

Use the Do Not Disturb sign even while you’re out of your room.

Leave the TV or radio and lights on to give the impression that there is someone in the room.

Check your windows, sliding doors, and locks.

Use the door chain when you’re in your room.

Close your curtains.

Bring along a rubber doorstop for extra security while you sleep. They’re especially use­ful for providing security on doors in adjoining rooms.

Always check with the front desk before opening the door to anyone.

Updated: July 26, 2015 — 7:13 pm