Mix two tablespoons baking soda with just enough water to create a paste. Smooth over clean skin and leave for about ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse thoroughly with slightly warm water.
Hydrating Mask
Blend together one egg yolk, two teaspoons orange juice, one-teaspoon sour cream, and just
Always remove contact lenses and any eye makeup when using this or any other eye treatment.
enough oatmeal (grind it in a blender first until it becomes powder) to make a paste. Apply it to your face for ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Make a pot of chamomile tea. Pour the entire pot into an ice cube tray and freeze. Pop out a cube and wrap it in a thin cloth. Rub over irritated or tired skin.
Use this treatment when you wake up with puffy eyes.
Cut two thin slices from a raw potato. Next, wet your eye area with saturated cotton balls. Lie down and place the potato slices over your closed eyelids. Leave them on for about ten minutes. Remove and rinse off with cool water.
Mash and combine two raspberries, three blueberries, and two strawberries with a fork. Apply pulp to clean face and leave on for fifteen minutes. Rinse.
Refrigerate whole milk in a spritzer bottle for about an hour. Spray over irritated or inflamed skin.