What Causes Cellulite

There are three leading theories about cellulite formation:

1. Women have a unique, genetically determined skin structure on their thighs, which causes fat pockets to form (which would explain why only 5% of males have cellulite while more than 85% of females have cellulite).

2. The connective tissue layers on the thigh are too weak or thin to maintain a smooth appearance, allowing fat contours to show through. (This would also account for why men have less cellulite, since the skin structure on their thighs has a higher percentage of collagen.)

3. Vascular changes and possible inflammatory conditions may be to blame. (Sources: Journal of Cosmetic Laser Therapy, December 2004, pages 181-185; Journal of Ap­plied Physiology, April 2002, pages 1611-1618; and Skin Research and Technology, May 2, 2002, pages 118-124.)

There isn’t much you can do about genetics, but the hope to do something about the other causes— skin structure, fat concentration, and vascular changes—is the sphere of skin care and medicine. Most cellulite products come in the form of lotions and creams with a vast array of either exotic-sounding or lab-synthesized ingredients. And beyond topical products there are devices such as endermologie and microdermabrasion, along with medical treatments such as nonablative lasers and mesotherapy.

Updated: September 25, 2015 — 3:47 am