Strategic Planning

Timing is all about what you feel is right for you, weighed against what your goals are. Some procedures are better done sooner than later because they prevent further damage, rebuild the skin, and repair some amount of damage. Planning is everything. Knowledge and careful strategy is the smart way to approach this entire topic.

The options for changing your body and face are almost limitless, and the results can be stunning. Traditional surgical procedures that cut off leathery, thick, lined, and sagging skin long abused by the sun can subtract years from a person’s appearance. Laser resurfacing can create smooth skin and remove skin discolorations. Dermal fillers can plump up wrinkles and acne scarring. Botox can erase forehead wrinkles almost immediately. IPL treatments can reduce skin discolorations and zap surface capillaries.

Having procedures done at a younger age, before you “need it” can mean having healthier – looking skin for years as opposed to making an abrupt change when you finally decide you can’t take it anymore and begin searching out a physician.

Some physicians claim that if you do things as they crop up there’s less trauma, better healing, and, because younger people generally have more elasticity and fat in their skin, the results should last longer and look more natural. Less-invasive and relatively minor procedures can extend the time before major surgery is eventually needed, and there is something to be said for having the face you want now as opposed to later. I think that is a reasonable approach.

We are in a new era where the possibility of looking younger is more accessible than ever before. Some people are pleased to know their face doesn’t have to look as old as they really are and that they can have a choice about what to do about it. As long as the results are impressive (and they can be), people will want to stay young-looking via procedures that have as little risk as possible. That’s not bad or good; it is just a legitimate option for creating the look you want. Plus, it beats wasting money on creams and lotions that do nothing for the wrinkles. As one plastic surgeon I spoke with noted, “Women have been buying wrinkle creams by the truckload, and yet they still get wrinkles and I’m still in business because none of those cosmetic products work to dramatically stop or change wrinkling.”

Updated: September 30, 2015 — 3:06 am