Scrubs versus ahas and bha

Hands-down, using a well-formulated AHA or BHA product is preferred to routine use of a topical scrub. Because AHAs and BHA work through chemical processes, they can penetrate the superficial layers of skin and produce better results than cosmetic scrubs, which work only on the very outermost exposed surface of the skin. And the damaged, built-up layers of skin are not just those you see on the very surface.

Scrubs can only deal with the very top, superficial layer of skin, although those products that have a rough, coarse, uneven texture can cause skin damage by tearing into the skin as it sands away at the surface, causing tiny tears that damage the skin’s barrier and cause more problems than they help. If you do want to use a manual scrub, be sure it feels smooth and even on the skin or you will be inadvertently hurting your skin. Or, instead of a scrub, you can simply use a gentle washcloth with your daily cleanser, which works just as well to exfoliate the surface of skin as any cosmetic scrub you can buy.

There is no risk that AHAs and BHA will cause you to lose too much skin. Technically, there is a drop-off rate, meaning that the AHA and BHA will exfoliate only the dead or damaged surface skin and leave the healthy skin alone. This is the main reason why you will see a drop-off in performance when using an AHA or BHA product. The dramatic results when you begin exfoliating (when the thickened, discolored layers of skin are being removed) seem much more impressive than the results from continued use. This is to be expected. Still, it’s important to note that continued use of an AHA or BHA product is required in order to maintain skin’s smooth, even-toned, healthy appearance.

Updated: September 15, 2015 — 11:16 pm