Removing all your makeup is Essential

If you want a basic remedy for potentially eliminating or at the very least reducing puffy or irritated skin around the eyes, here it is: Be sure to remove every last trace of eye makeup before you go to bed. You would be surprised how much makeup can be left behind if you aren’t careful. A dermatologist I often consult with mentioned that when she is looking at her patients’ skin under a magnifying glass she is always dismayed to see how much makeup is crusted into the lines around the eyes. Not a pretty picture. If you wear foundation, con­cealer, eyeshadows, eye pencils, and mascara, you must be sure it is all off every night. Going to sleep wearing makeup causes irritation, whether it’s left on skin or gets directly into the eye. It can also clog pores when left on the face overnight, preventing skin from shedding skin cells in a normal manner. If you’re noticing a bumpy texture or reddened skin on the eyelid or under the eye, it may be because you’re not removing all of your eye makeup.

Updated: September 17, 2015 — 8:31 am