Nail psoriasis

Even though flaky, red lesions on the surface of skin are the most obvious manifestations of psoriasis, over 50% of the time the nails can also be affected. Manifesting in a variety of ways, psoriasis of the nails can include pitting, lifting of the nail away from the nail bed, white discolorations, and ridges. Although there have been important advances in the treatment of psoriasis as it pertains to the skin, options for dealing with the way it affects the nail are barely researched. While a number of treatment alternatives currently exist for nail disease, the general gross lack of clear evidence regarding these choices often makes it difficult to select the most efficient, safe, and optimal treatments. Even though the current literature has shown some support for the use of topical, oral, and combination therapies for nail psoriasis, the available results aren’t sufficient to make one regimen stand out. That means experimenting is the way to go and find what works for you. (Source: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, July 2007, pages 1-27.)

Updated: September 23, 2015 — 5:44 pm