Manicures and pedicures

While leaving the cuticle alone is the best thing you can do for the growth of the nail, leaving the length of the nail alone is also a wise part of nail care. The part of the nail that extends past the quick is long dead and vulnerable to damage. Overfiling can tear at the nail’s structure, and that can never be replaced. Once filing tears or starts lifting the fibrous nail material, it can begin a cycle that is hard to stop. Nails are softened by water, and soft nails are more susceptible to damage and tears. Shape the nails only when they are completely dry. It is also essential to avoid metal or extremely coarse nail files. Use the gentlest file with extremely gentle pressure to achieve the shape you want. You’ll use up more nail files faster than you did before, but stronger nails will be the result of the extra expense and trouble. You’ve probably heard the one about filing in one direction only. That is completely unnecessary. Regardless of the direction you file, if you don’t do it gently you will damage the nail.

When you do take the time to indulge in a full manicure or pedicure, it is essential to keep it simple.

The following is a great system for creating the perfect manicure or pedicure:

• First, remove any previously applied nail polish. It doesn’t matter whether you use a nail-polish remover that contains acetone or not. It also doesn’t matter whether the nail-polish remover contains moisturizing ingredients. If a nail-polish remover can remove nail polish it is going to be harsh stuff, but that is the price of nicely painted nails. Use as little nail-polish remover as necessary to remove the polish. Never soak the nail in nail-polish remover! Nail-polish remover is extremely drying and damaging to the entire nail, especially the cuticle. Keeping contact with nail-polish remover to a minimum is crucial for the well-being of the nail and cuticle.

• Gently file the nails into the shape you want, using the least-abrasive emery board you can find. Avoid shaping your nails into long talons or severe shapes (too square or pointy).

• Softening the cuticle around the nail is necessary only if you plan to remove just a tiny bit of excess cuticle. Soak the nails in plain warm water for no more than three minutes. Oversoaking hurts the nail and the cuticle. Avoid soapy or detergent-filled water, which only dries the skin and damages the cuticle. If the hands or feet are dirty, wash them first and that’s it. Minimal contact with cleansers is best for any part of your body, including the nails!

• Trim the cuticle and avoid pushing it back as much as possible, being exceedingly careful not to pull, lift, tear, rip, force, or cut into the cuticle in any way.

• Trim the nails carefully, using sharp manicure scissors or nail clippers. Nails are defi­nitely easier to trim after bathing or soaking. Fingernails should be given a slightly rounded edge to protect the nail growth; toenails should be trimmed straight across, slightly above the quick. Avoid cutting nails too short because doing so increases the chance of developing ingrown nails, which can be particularly uncomfortable for toenails.

• Moisturize the cuticle with an emollient moisturizer. Almost any moisturizer for dry skin will do. It is not necessary to purchase special cuticle creams, but some companies make brush-on, oil-based cuticle moisturizers that are quick and con­venient to use.

• Before you polish your nails it is essential to remove the moisturizer from them. Moisturizing ingredients prevent nail polish from adhering to the nail. Use nail-polish remover just over the nail’s surface to take off any moisturizer. Avoid getting nail – polish remover on the cuticle; that’s the area you want to keep the moisturizer on.

• Polish your nails in layers, allowing them to dry between coats. A minimum of three coats is standard. If you have weak or brittle nails, place one or two coats of ridge-filling nail polish on the nail as the base coat. This is the best way to shore up the nail. Two coats of a colored nail polish are next, followed by a top coat to add shine and luster.

• Allow plenty of time for the polish to dry. Quick-dry polishes and some quick-dry top coats of polish often contain alcohol, which can cause the polish to peel and chip more easily, so you want to avoid those. Using a quick-dry oil or spray after you’re done polishing is a great way to ward off smudges, but these won’t prevent nicks or dents in the polish, so be careful.

• Do not dry your nails with a blow dryer or any other heat source. Heat causes the polish to expand and lift away from the nail.

• Touching up polish every other day with a layer of top coat can help make a manicure last longer. Carry a bottle of top coat in your purse, and when you have a moment or break in your day, quickly do a once-over. A single layer dries quickly and makes all the difference in keeping up appearances.

Updated: October 3, 2015 — 10:45 pm