It is generally agreed that your makeup portfolio should contain certain things. How many of these things is not agreed, though I think it is safe to say that quality tops quantity. You might want to think twice about having only one makeup to show, though, even if it’s a really, really good makeup. You need to show that it wasn’t a fluke. Oscar winner Matthew Mungle believes you should have examples of beauty makeup, small and large prosthetic applica­tions, character and age makeup with and without prosthetics, and creature prosthetic makeups.

Подпись: FIGURE 1.23 Matthew Mungle age makeup on Kirk Baltz in To Serve and Protect. Image reproduced by permission of Matthew Mungle. Подпись:Kevin Kirkpatrick echoes my point: "A makeup effects portfolio should only consist of your best work. Honestly, it’s not about quantity, it’s all about quality."

Updated: June 15, 2015 — 7:02 pm