Seaming and painting silicone appliances

As has already been pointed out, nothing sticks to silicone except other silicone, which can make silicone somewhat difficult to paint, especially if you want the paint to stay put. This section deals with paint options as much as (if not more so) with painting technique. Each makeup that you create will be different, so how you paint it and what you use to paint it will differ as well.

Seaming and painting silicone appliancesSeaming and painting silicone appliancesLet’s begin by taking for granted that you have given your silicone appli­ance (or appliances) a foundation color that is at least in the ballpark of the base color you need for the overall makeup. You would have done this as you mixed the silicone prior to casting the appliance. But first we have to clean up the appliance by getting rid of seams and other surface blemishes that don’t belong and should be corrected.

figure 6.28

Updated: July 14, 2015 — 6:57 am