Presentation counts for a lot in this business, so your portfolio needs to make a brilliant first impression.
It is a representation of you as an artist.
The book needs to be neat, well organized, and an accurate reflection of your aesthetic and personal style.
Portfolio books themselves are available in a variety of sizes.
The two most popular sizes are 9” x 12” and 11” x 14”. Art supply stores are a good source for portfolio books. Look for one that has plastic or acetate pages into which you can slip your photos. You will also want at least one pocket (on the inside back cover) to hold a resume, promotional cards, and business cards. Include several of each so that whoever is looking at your book can take and keep a copy of your resume and card. Some agencies prefer receiving portfolios on a CD rather than in book form, so always have several electronic copies available.
Keep one portfolio with all of your original photographs in it.
High-quality color copies are used in books intended for mailing. Tear sheets should be originals, so if a magazine prints your work, buy lots of copies of it. Have at least two books ready to be sent out at any time. Consider having four or even five copies. It is also not a bad idea to carry a reduced version with you in case an opportunity to show it presents itself.
A promotional card is an essential addition to your promotional arsenal. These cards are postcard – size and have one to three photos of your work, as well as your name and contact information. Also referred to as a comp card, a promo, or a leave-behind, these cards show your artistry and style. Both print and electronic versions of the cards are necessary for self-promotion. Promo cards have four – color photographs on one side, and your contact information in black and white on the other. As photographers own the rights to their photographs, you must obtain their written permission to use any photos and credit the photographers on the card. You can send out the cards in the mail and have several in your portfolio for the editor, photographer, or agent to keep on file. That way, art directors and fashion editors always have a sample of your work on hand. Also keep the card as a PDF file on your computer, or better yet on a flash drive. This will allow you to e-mail a copy almost instantly, wherever you are, to potential employers. Carry several with you in your bag for those unexpected opportunities.
New artists are using the Web to promote their services. Make sure you hire a reputable Web designer to help you design and launch your site, or lease space on an existing site that will help you build your own. Some makeup agencies offer such space to their artists. Remember that the quality and style of the site, not just the content, directly reflect who you are as an artist.
On the Web site, include your promotional card and a PDF version of your resume. Include current portfolio content. Determine how large you want the site to be and how often you will want to update it. Consider how you want people to contact you and whether you want to include links on the site. Build a site that is globally accessible.
Successfully managing your site means that it is always current and can be easily accessed. If your Web server does not automatically list you with search engines, try using Addme. com This is a free Web site-submission engine that will add your site to the top thirty most popular search engines.
If your primary goal is to work in television, music videos, or movies, you will also want to put together a reel. A reel is a compilation of your styling work for film, television, and video on a master tape (actually a DVD), edited to several minutes that includes the best footage. Choose music for your reel that creates the perfect mood. The reel will need to be professionally edited to include transitions and titles. Make copies of the reel, and create case labels with your name, address, and phone number for identification. Most producers do not return reels, but making copies is inexpensive, and reels are great promotional tools.
Resumes let the Decision makers know the full range of your credits. A resume needs to be complete, accurate, and professional. Pick a font that is easy to read, and print the resume on good-quality stock. Write a clear, concise cover letter to include with the resume when mailing your resume or portfolio. While a cover letter and resume are important tools in your self-promotion efforts, it is the portfolio or reel that will get you the job. In film and television, a listing of your experience in resume form is the first thing that producers look at. They might interview and see the portfolios of only a few artists. In print work, a look at your portfolio usually precedes an interview.