Moisturizer Application

Once the face is thoroughly cleansed and toned, and while it is still slightly damp, apply moisturizer using a clean sponge or your fingers. (Note: dense balms will work only on dry skin.) If you are using your hands to apply any makeup products, always wash them thoroughly so you don’t transfer oils and bacteria […]

All skin types benefit from the use of some type of moisturizer

dry skin needs a heavier, oil-based moisturizer that will absorb completely into the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. Oils are more effective than creams at preventing water evaporation. Look for the ingredients urea or propylene glycol, chemicals that keep skin moist. normal skin has a healthy moisture balance. Water-based moisturizers containing lightweight oils, […]


Beauty starts with smooth, healthy, glowing skin. Anyone can learn to become a skincare expert by: Understanding how lifestyle impacts the condition of the skin, Knowing how skin works, Learning the basics of skincare, includingHow to analyze skin conditions, How to identify skin types, How to properly care for skin, Knowing skincare ingredients and how […]


Whether you are starting your first professional makeup kit, replacing a few personal items, or looking for something new, shopping is a time to experiment, test cosmetics, and research trends. One of the best and easiest ways to stay current is to test the latest products on the cosmetics floor of any large department store. […]


Being well organized is essential. Whether you’re a minimalist whose makeup kit rarely holds morethan a lipstick and powder or a working makeup artist who routinely totes around a complete collection of cosmetics, it takes a plan. MAKEUP KITS Home Makeup Organize your makeup either in your bathroom drawer, on top of the counter, or […]