Festive, ethereal, and so unbelievably alluring!

Highlighter is the crucial product for this look. First, apply your primer, foundation, concealer, and powder. Then, starting at the temples, sweep shimmering highlighter down and across the top of your cheekbones in a C formation. (If you use cream highlighter, apply it before the powder.)


Подпись: I adore my cleft chin; it’s a sign of intelligence, you know! Mari, 53, St. Michael, MN

For extra drama, you can add a bit of highlighter to the center of the forehead, along the bridge of the nose, and on the chin. This brings a galaxy of light to your face, so your skin is the star. (When choosing highlighter, remember that mature skin looks best with a cream formula that does not contain shimmer.)

For a fast, subtle, all-over glow, just mix a bit of liquid shimmer into your foundation for a soft sheen.

Updated: June 26, 2015 — 5:02 pm