Here’s a test: Shake your purse for a second. Is that the sound of a million products I hear rattling around the bottom? Time to get organized, dearie!
If you’ve properly applied your makeup at home, there’s no need to carry around your entire bathroom All of your touching-up tackle should fit nicely into a small, clean cosmetics bag and should be slipped into your tote.
First and foremost, you need a mirrored compact face powder. It’s great to take a moment in the middle of a hectic day to pause and appreciate your femininity. Take hold of that compact, gaze at yourself lovingly, and repeat your mirror mantra while powdering any shiny spots.
You know I’m not fond of all-day lip products, so keep your tinted lip balm, lipstick, or gloss at the ready. Slick on a fresh pop of color after coffee breaks and meals.
Cotton swabs are a must for cleaning up smudges or smears, and blotting papers are great for zapping any excess shine before you powder.
That’s it! You’re now so sleek, you may want to shop for a smaller, more chic bag!