Each morning, fire up your good vibrations with a mirror mantra. You’ve already pinpointed your favorite features. Now praise ’em loud and proud. Here are a few examples to get you rolling. . .
My skin is creamy and dreamy.
What amazing cheekbones I have!
My eyes look so sparkling and cheerful.
Come on, really let me hear ya! Sing it as a song. Turn it into a rhyme. It doesn’t matter how you do it as long as you commit yourself to doing it. Take delight in the moment, and take no notice of anyone who might mock your efforts. Do you feel foolish? Stop and ask yourself, “Isn’t it more foolish to stay trapped in insecurities and be attracting negative energy to my day?” Uh-huh!
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Do enough of these mirror mantras, and pretty soon you’ll discover that your negative self-talk has stopped. You’ll feel a newfound appreciation not only for your individual beauty but for the beauty of others. Your positive brain will be in control, and you’ll charge forward with confidence— the most attractive asset of all.
There are flowers everywhere, for those who bother to look.
Many experts say that makeup is best understood as the art of creating an illusion.
They advise us to trick the eye into seeing what is not true. Their techniques emphasize contouring a face to conform to a certain beauty standard and they push flaw-concealment as priority one.
Well, not here. Not me. No way. Because your beauty is no illusion!
Readers of The 5-Minute Face will recall how my inspiration to become a makeup artist came from watching my mother paint her canvases with watercolors. She used gentle brushstrokes, swirled in soft washes of color, and played with light to draw the eye to what was wonderful about her subject.
Ladies, today our subject is you. And Mom’s modus operandi still applies. (Thanks, Mom!)
Since reading the last chapter, I hope you’ve already started seeing your features in new ways and found a favorite or three. What you’re about to learn is how to light up your best features by using the right products in the right places. Step-by-step, I’ll show you how to illuminate your natural assets so your unique loveliness shines through. All you. All true. Positively beautiful.
As you explore each of the following chapters, set your attitude on playful adventure. You may consider your eyes your best feature, but there’s every reason to try new ways to showcase your lips, cheeks, or skin. Let your spirit be your guide. Is today a sexy-lips day or a bronzed-cheek day? Does tonight call for a moody eye or an elegantly minimalist look? Remember, it’s makeup. There are no goofs you can’t wash off, so why not go for it?
Now let’s have some fun getting your gorgeousness on!
The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.
Connection. Soulfulness. Enchantment. Our eyes speak volumes without making a sound. So, what have yours been saying lately? By this point in our little voyage together, I hope it’s a whole lotta sweet somethings!
Eyes are a fantastic feature to focus on as you shift your beauty thinking. Every color, every shape, at every age—eyes have an irresistible allure all their own. By refining your approach to eye makeup, you can supercharge your whole face. Believe it!