If you have doll-like, beautiful eyes, enhance them with smoky eye shadows and lots of mascara.

1. Start by lining the upper and lower lash line with eyeliner in a deep shade.

2. Next, sweep a dark contour eye shadow color across the entire lid and under the lower lash line.

3. Follow with a midtone shade in the crease, and end with a highlight shade under the brow.

4. Apply a healthy dose of mascara on the top lashes only.


Подпись: Mirror Mantra I love the single freckle under my left eye. It used to bother me, but now I think of it as a beauty mark highlighting my strongest feature!Jessica, 23, Ottawa, ON


For ladies with sexy, deep-set eyes, make them even more alluring by highlighting the lid and allowing the natural deep crease to stand out.

1. Start by sweeping a highlight shade with a hint of shimmer across the entire lid, from the lash line to the crease.

2. Next, apply a midtone eye shadow just above, not in, the crease.

3. Apply eyeliner across the upper lash line and use an angle brush to sweep a dark shadow in the same hue as the liner under the lower lash line.

4. Follow with mascara on the top and bottom lashes.


Updated: June 19, 2015 — 10:32 pm