When you’re feeling absolutely unstoppable, accelerate your fabulousity by going full-on glam! This is no time for dainty, my lady. Indulge your need for the hot and the new with a trendy trick or two. Playing with liquid eyeliner shows that you’re on the cutting edge of fashion and about to reach the stratosphere of stupendous!
Start with your canvas basics: primer, foundation, blemish and under-eye concealer (if needed), and powder.
Now for the fun part: liquid eyeliner. Try exciting shades that work well for day or night, like teal, eggplant, sapphire blue, or teak brown. Classic black is always great for a fabulous evening statement.
Starting at the inner corners of the eyes, sweep liner across the upper lash line and end with a little wing at the outer corners. (By applying the eyeliner first, you can correct any smudges without redoing your whole eye look. Go slowly, and you’ll be gorgeous in no time.)
After the liner is completely dry, apply a sparkling midtone eye shadow across the lid from the lash line to the crease, and smudge the same color under the lower lash line. Smooth on highlighter under the brow, and apply black mascara on the top and bottom lashes for a flirty fringe.
Cheeks can be brought to their full potential with neutral blush swept across the cheekbones and highlighter swept on top of the cheekbones.
Finish with a dazzling lip-gloss-of-the-moment and—voila—you are utterly chic!