1. Detach two sheets of paper toweling from the roll, and fold so that the toweling will fit inside the butcher’s tray.
2. Carefully pour the isopropyl alcohol on top of the paper toweling so that it is entirely saturated with the solvent. Note: If you are unsure whether the solvent will affect the material your stencil is made of, check a small section before immersing it.
3. Lay the stencil facedown (dirty side) onto the toweling.
4. Let it sit there for several minutes so that the solvent can loosen all products on its surface. Note: If both sides of your stencil have dried product on them, then you’ll need to flip the stencil over to soak.
5. Now flip over the stencil onto the paper toweling (dirty side up).
6. Saturate a powder puff with solvent, and lightly pat the stencil to remove product.
Lay the stencil down onto some clean paper toweling and pat dry.
9. Store the now-clean stencil away for the next time you’ll need it.
An Itoya portfolio (available inart-supply and office-supply stores) helps keep stencils flat and organized.