If the actor’s skin tone and condition are good, then no foundation or makeup base is needed in the “natural look.” Instead, you will choose to “spot paint” the face and not apply a full application of foundation or makeup base. Spot painting is the technique of literally painting out unwanted color from the face or body. Any spots or unwanted marks are painted out with a concealer, Dermacolor, Stacolor, or even foundation. The product you choose depends on what is to be covered. Spot painting is a part of concealing and correction, but in this case, we use it to replace foundation or base.
Example: You are instructed by the Makeup Department to “just spot paint” your actor. They do not want makeup base applied. They want you to just spot paint correction on clean skin, and only in the needed areas. This is widely used on men, children, and for all situations where you do not want to see any makeup. It has become an Industry Standard.
Stacolor and Reel Color can be used in spot painting when the makeup needs to be waterproof, sweatproof, or friction resistant. Like necks so color does not come off on shirt collars.
Working with the individual’s clean skin, apply a sunblock first if working outdoors, concealing only where needed, and matching the concealer to the skin tone. The concealer or makeup is concentrated only on the spot or area that needs correction. Blend or feather out onto the skin, being careful not to overpaint or bring the edges too far onto the surrounding skin. You just want to paint the specific spot. Dermacolor (by KRYOLAN) works well with spot painting. It is noncomedogenic, and gives you full coverage (or camouflage) that you can feather or blend onto the surrounding skin with your brush. Choose a makeup brush that is small in size to prevent overpainting. Set the makeup with very little powder. Too much powder on
bare skin is dry looking. When spot painting a face, use Face to Face Supermatte Antishine by Make-Up International (an Industry Standard) to take down shine on the skin. Because the skin is basically clean, with the exception of the “spots,” do not use powder to cut shine. Powder needs something to stick to, so on clean skin, use Supermatte Antishine, available in light, medium, and dark tones.
You can also use spot painting to correct broken capillaries, blemishes, birthmarks, and tattoos.
If it is obvious to the eye, it is obvious to the camera.