Terms Used With Compressors CFM: Measurement of airflow.
Moisture Filter: Removing water from air.
Oil Filter: Removing oil from air.
PSI: Measurement of air pressure.
Air Regulator: Adjusting air pressure.
Iwata Smart Jet Pro: Compressor shuts off automatically when not in use. It has an oilless piston air compressor with built-in airbrush holder; moisture filters (removing water from air) with an air regulator (adjusts air pressure); and bleed-valve adjustment to release moisture.
Compressors with built-in airbrush holders are extremely convenient when working in a makeup trailer, especially if you are working with an airbrush with a top color cup.
Iwata Power Jet: Compressor has oil-less dual-piston air with a 3.5-liter air-storage tank. It has zero pulsation, moisture filter, and a mounted pressure gauge with air regulator for precise air-pressure adjustment.
Iwata Power Jet Pro: A compressor with a 2-liter air-storage tank with zero pulsation and an air reserve for spraying at higher air pressures. It has dual adjustable pressure regulators plus dual moisture filters and dual mounted pressure gauges. The
compressor also has dual quick-disconnect ports and dual built-in airbrush holders.
Iwata Power Jet Lite: Adjustable pressure regulator, moisture filter, and built-in airbrush holder.
Iwata Silver Jet: Compact and quiet singleperson use with working pressure adjustable from 10 to 18 PSI. The compressor has a coiled air hose, pressure-adjustable knob, handle, airbrush holder, and pressure gauge.
Iwata Sprint Jet: A mounted air-pressure gauge with a bleed-valve airflow adjustment to lower air pressure. Pressure working from 1 to 35 PSI. Zero maintenance with an oilless piston air compressor.
Makeup companies (such as Mac Pro and Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) which offer small portable compressors often use the Iwata Series.
Paasche DAS 00: %-horsepower diaphragm compressor with auto shutoff. Shuts off when airbrush is not in use.
Paasche D100: 1/8-horsepower compressor delivers 15 to 25 PSI with most model airbrushes (Figure 10.7).
Paasche D3000: Oil-less diaphragm compressor with tank-mounted unit, designed for compactness and portability.
Air tank stores reserve air volume and reduces pulsation. Air pressure in the tank is
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regulated with an automatic On/Off switch to a maximum of 40 PSI (Figure 10.8).
Badger Model 80-3 Mini Compressor:
Produces 3 to 5 PSI (Figure 10.9).
Badger Model 80-7xaIR Compressor:
Produces 10 to 12 PSI (Figure 10.10).
Badger Model 80-8x Air Compressor:
Produces 10 to 12 PSI with built-in regulator (Figure 10.11).
In general, use compressors with a lower PSI or compressors that allow you to adjust the settings for direct airbrushing on the face. The higher the PSI, the more kickback you’ll get from the product.