White Nettle (Lamium album)

Treatment for cutaneous and mucosal inflammation is among the approved indications for this herb. It is used in Asian medicine to treat carbuncles and inflamed wounds. White nettle functions as an astringent and emollient due to the active mucilages, flavonoids including kaempferol glycosides, caffeic acids such as chlorogenic acid, triterpene saponins, and monoterpenes including lamalbide.

There are no reported health hazards. This herb is administered by tea for infusion, bath additive, poultice, compress, and rinse (3).


There are multiple herbs currently incorporated into cosmeceuticals with valid scientific rationale and supported with human clinical studies or have documented biologic activity by in vitro, in vivo, or animal studies. Cosmeceuticals containing these herbs may currently be or potentially will be valuable contributions to dermatology and skin care if clinical efficacy can be confirmed by controlled human clinical trials conducted by third – party researchers with the finished marketed product. The cosmeceutical only has scientific integrity if the herbal components are stable, of therapeutic concentrations, and can be adequately delivered across human stratum correum.

Updated: July 23, 2015 — 3:23 am