Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, L. officinalis)

Lavandula officinalis was used by the ancient Greeks for its fragrant essential oil. English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is approved for balneotherapy for circulatory disorders. Tannins comprise 13% of this extract by weight. Other active compounds include volatile oils of which linalool and linoyl acetate comprise 90%, and hydroxycoumarins such as umbelliferone, caffeic acids including rosmaric acid, flavonoids, and triterpenoids are the active molecules. Lavender oil inhibits mast cell degranulation and has antimicrobial and antiphlogistic effects (73).

Lavender has weak sensitization potential but cross reacts rarely with TTO (13). It is administered as a liquid extract for tea, infusion, poultice, bath additive, or other topical formulations (3).

Updated: July 21, 2015 — 10:34 pm