Vaniqa (Eflornithine), a Topical Drug (Rx) for Unwanted Facial Hair

The attraction of treatment with eflornithine, active in Vaniqa, is that it can effect hair growth when applied topically, and it provides major safety advantages over antiandrogens. Another significant advantage is the increased and earlier onset of efficacy, within 6-12 weeks, compared to a 6-12 month lag for the anti-androgens. A randomized, double­blind controlled study with eflornithine (15% dose) in hirsute women resulted in a 48% reduction in the hair-growth rate based on objective determinations [49,50]. This objective reduction in hair length was also accompanied by perceptible, as well as clinically mean­ingful improvements noted by the clinical investigator and subjects. Unlike the side effects associated with hormonal anti-androgen therapy, eflornithine treatment was found to be extremely safe, with only minor dermal side effects [51]. In addition, eflornithine enabled the women to more easily mask their condition which, by their account, promoted improve­ments in their self-confidence [49,52].

Updated: September 20, 2015 — 1:03 pm