The IPL Devices

The IPL devices use polychromatic light with a broad wavelength spectrum (590-1200nm) [103-107]. It is difficult to compare efficacies of the IPL devices across studies due to dif­ferences in number of treatments, treatment sites, and varying follow-up periods. Fodor et al.

reports that most complications were observed in patients with skin types IV and V [103]. The authors found that blister and transitory hyperpigmentation were common in Type V subjects. They also observed a negative correlation between skin type and subject satisfac­tion. In a small study of subjects with Type V and VI skin, Johnson and Dovale report no lasting pigmentary changes with 5-7 treatments with an IPL device [104]. Lee et al. found that using a 645-950 nm filter and longer pulse width was more effective in reducing hair density, as well as safer, in Asian patients [106].

8.6 Conclusion

As the demand for laser hair removal continues for individuals regardless of skin color, understanding the choice of treatment parameters to prevent unwanted side effects becomes more important. The use of longer wavelengths, the long-pulsed Nd:YAG (1064 nm), and the long-pulsed (>100 ms) diode laser (810 nm), with longer pulse widths is becoming the laser treatement of choice for hair removal in subjects with darker skin types [87,108]. The highest satisfaction of all individuals undergoing laser treatment is seen when patients are given a clear understanding of what to expect from the treatment.

Updated: September 18, 2015 — 3:53 pm