
The most common adverse effects resulting from the interaction between laser light and tattoo ink are burning, scarring, and transient pigmentary changes. These adverse effects are dependent on the laser being used and the kind and depth of the tattoo ink particles. As repeatedly stated, lasers are one of the treatments for tattoo removal. This does pose a prob­lem if subjects with no intention of removing or otherwise altering existing tattoo(s) require a laser treatment of the area in question. For example, it is conceivable that permanent hair removal is desired at the location of a tattoo. The concern is twofold: (i) lasing a tattoo might result in fading and (ii) absorbance of the photons by tattoo inks could reduce the efficacy and/or increase thermal-related adverse events. In any case, it might be advisable to avoid lasing skin that has a tattoo.

Updated: October 7, 2015 — 1:39 pm