Catagen—The Regressive Phase

Anagen is followed by a phase of hair follicle involution, catagen. Catagen was first characterised in detail by Kligman [69] and Straile [70]. At the beginning of catagen, pro­liferation and differentiation of hair matrix keratinocytes reduces dramatically, the pig­ment-producing activity of melanocytes ceases, and hair shaft production is completed. During catagen, the follicle compartments involved […]

Changing the Hair Produced by a Follicle via the Hair Growth Cycle

To fulfil all the roles described in Section 1.2, the hair produced by a follicle often needs to change and follicles possess a unique mechanism for this, the hair growth cycle [1,2] (Fig. 1.3). This involves destruction of the original lower follicle, and its regeneration to form another, which can produce hair with different characteristics. […]

The Outer Root Sheath

The outer root sheath contains a heterogeneous cell population including keratinocytes expressing keratins 5 and 14, keratinocyte and melanocyte stem cell progeny migrating downward to the hair matrix, and differentiating melanocytes [26-29]. Between the inser­tion of the arrector pili muscle and duct of the sebaceous gland the outer root sheath forms a distinct bulge, which […]