Photothermal Therapy

There are two novel reported mechanisms that have demonstrated the ability to clinically modify the skin’s connective tissue: laser and pulsed light (optical energy) and radiofre­quency. While these methods differ primarily in the way they generate heat within the adipose tissue, they both are able to produce temperatures (65—75oC) high enough to cause connective tissue […]

Deep Skin Biopsy of Cellulitic Areas and Tissue Analysis

This invasive approach determines the histological architecture of cellulite. The problem with this tool is that the histologic results may not correlate with the clinical appearance or outcome. 16.3.2 High Frequency Magnetic Resonance Imaging This is the most recent approach and a very efficient tool for evaluating cellulite. Magnetic Resonance Imaging has the ability to […]

Skin Elasticity

The resilience of the dermis can be evaluated with a suction elastometer. By measuring skin tension, clinicians can gauge the amount of intact connective tissue and, consequently, the amount of cellulite present. Although this tool, hypothetically, may be plausible, clini­cal evidence of its effectiveness has not yet been seen [18] (Fig. 16.7). 16.3.1 Electrical Conductivity […]

Simple Observation

Observation with tangential lighting is one of the most common methods used to mea­sure cellulite due to its cost effectiveness, reproducibility, and relative ease. Such observa­tion involves direct or photographic examination and visualization of the skin. Clinicians look for dimpling or puckering of the skin and palpate for subcutaneous nodules. This method is often best […]

Hormonal Influence on Cellulite Development

Cellulite is a connective tissue disorder seen mainly in postadolescent females. In the rare occasions that cellulite is witnessed in men, it is more common in males with androgen – deficient conditions such as hypogonadism, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and in patients receiv­ing estrogen-based therapy for prostate cancer [14]. Furthermore, where cellulite is displayed in both obese […]