Deep Skin Biopsy of Cellulitic Areas and Tissue Analysis

This invasive approach determines the histological architecture of cellulite. The problem with this tool is that the histologic results may not correlate with the clinical appearance or outcome.

16.3.2 High Frequency Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This is the most recent approach and a very efficient tool for evaluating cellulite. Magnetic Resonance Imaging has the ability to distinguish between the physiology of different skin

Figure 16.7 Skin elasticity is measured with a skin elasticity machine, which can gauge the relative amount of cellulite present. Source: Courage + Khazaka, Germany, http:// www. pastiche. net. nz/technology. html.

layers, specifically the thickness of the skin, as well as the thickness and the volume of the hypodermis. Querleux et al. were the first to utilize MRI to detect Camper’s fascia, as well as the superficial and deep hypodermal adipose layers [10 ] . Additionally, this technology has confirmed that a distinguished characteristic of cellulite is a thicker deep adipose layer.

Updated: September 24, 2015 — 9:19 pm