Soothe skin with one-half cup of plain yogurt mixed with one-halfpeeled cucumber and a tea­spoon of olive oil mixed together. Leave on face and neck for about fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water. The cucumber will soothe irritated skin while the yogurt and olive oil will moisturize.

Mix one teaspoon of yogurt with one-half tea­spoon of oatmeal. Using your fingers, massage into lips, rinse, and follow up with the contents of a vitamin E capsule.


Because it has soothing and healing properties, wheat germ makes a gentle scrub for sensitive or dry skin. Mix it with a bit of honey if you have very dry skin. Mix it with water if your skin is nor­mal. Wheat germ is high in protein and vitamins E and B.

Updated: June 17, 2015 — 8:39 pm