Not only are dark polishes the cause of stained nails, but nicotine and certain foods can do it, too. Rub a slice of fresh lemon over nails or try a cot­ton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. My

favorite treatment is using two denture cleanser tablets in a cup of water and letting my nails soak for a few minutes.


In some cases, brittle nails can be caused by protein or vitamin deficiencies. Consider taking vitamin В or silica tablets. Check with your doc­tor first and make sure to apply a nail hardener daily. The hardener is not going to make your nails grow faster or grow stronger, but it does form a protective barrier.


Are your nails constantly chipping, peeling, and breaking? Look no further than these fast fixes.

1. Massage garlic oil into the nail bed and cuticle.

2. Look for a nail hardener with calcium. Don’t forget to apply under nails, too.

3. Rub hair conditioner into your nails. It con­tains proteins to strengthen nails.

If you have spent a lot of money on nail strengtheners but are still left with SOFT, PEELING NAILS, it could be caused by your face moisturizer. If it contains glycolic acid, it has the ability to exfoliate and get under the nails, causing them to split. Wash your hands immediately after applying your cream.

Updated: July 5, 2015 — 5:10 pm