It has been my intent in this book to allow beauty to become more attainable, understandable, and more affordable for everyone. The beauty and diet industries know how to push our buttons by play­ing to our emotions, causing us to look for that magic elixir. There is no one answer. Each technique, each trick, every product should help lead you to the eventual goal: better looks and more confidence.

If you find that some of the techniques take some time to master, don’t worry. Once you’ve conquered the learning curve, you will be delighted by the remarkable results as much as the substantial savings. There are more options than ever in beauty and diet. Explore as many as your lifestyle will allow. Then, adopt what you enjoy and what works best.

I’m always here to help. Bringing out beauty in women of every age, size, ethnicity, and background is my privilege. Please write to me via my website at dianeirons. com and let me know your issues. As always, I am deeply honored that you have allowed me into your life.

Updated: July 27, 2015 — 5:18 pm