It’s not necessary to spend a lot or to purchase an entire line of products to cleanse your skin. Quite the opposite is true. There’s not even a need to cleanse your face when you first wake up. If your skin is dry, you should be able to splash your skin with water to get rid of excess oils and to reinvigorate the moisturizer you applied the evening before.

If your skin is oily, keep a small jar of powdered milk on your bathroom counter. Take a small amount in the palm of your hand, add enough water to make a paste, and give yourself an old – fashioned milk cleansing. Parisian models are leg­endary for their beautiful skin, and this is their secret. They would never use soap on their faces.


It’s free, and it’s skin hydration at its finest. The first thing you should do to get your bargain regimen started is to drink a glass of water when first awakening.

Next, splash your skin with tepid, never hot, water. Hot water robs the skin of the natural oils that have built up overnight. If you have normal to dry skin, all you need is a few splashes to remove the excess oil without stripping the skin.

If your skin is oily, you still don’t need soap. The water should just be a little warmer than for normal/dry skin.

Updated: June 27, 2015 — 8:55 pm