Antioxidants: Alpha-Lipoic Acid

1. Science and clinical studies: Topical application of 3% Alpha-Lipoic Acid has been shown to decrease UVB-induced erythema. These observations are thought to reflect the ingredient’s ability to function as an antioxidant blocking the transcription factor of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) (31). Clinical testing in 33 women with photodamage indicated that 12 weeks of treatment with a cream containing 5% Lipoic Acid improved clinical characteristics related to photoaging of facial skin (32).

2. Key benefits: Antioxidant functions, inhibition of NF-kappa B and secondary oxidative products.

3. Primary adverse effects: None known.

4. Practical applications in dermatology: May be useful in treating photodamaged skin.

Updated: July 2, 2015 — 3:19 am