Category: Cosmetic Formulation of Skin Care Products


The underarms have been removed from the general body discussion as they represent a unique body area medically known as an intertrigenous site. Intertrigenous sites are body areas where two skin surfaces meet. They include the armpit, beneath the female breasts, and between the upper inner thighs. In persons who are obese, other intertrigenous sites […]


The scalp/hair interface is very similar to the nail/cuticle interface in many respects. Here the nonliving hair abuts the living scalp, just like the nonliving nail abuts the living cuticle. The skin needs of the scalp are complex due to the presence of abundant sweat, sebum, and nerves all complicated by the presence of numerous […]


The lips present many of the same challenges as discussed previously for the eyes. They both represent transitional skin between traditional keratinized dry skin and moist mucosal skin and they both are portals of entry for foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, and other substances entering the body, such as medications. However, the lips […]