Consider vitamin C cream to keep your hands wrinkle-free. Vitamin C has the ability to restore softness and boost collagen production.

Massage hands and feet with an alpha hydroxy lotion. Before doing so, coat nails with lip balm to prevent breakage and splitting.

Apply moisturizer before you put on your rubber gloves to wash dishes. It will make the cream really work.


Warm a cup of olive oil in the microwave for ten seconds in a small microwaveable bowl. Make sure the oil is comfortable to the touch (after heating). Soak hands for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse and pat dry.


This lemon paste penetrates and heals dry skin. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice, one table­spoon of honey, and one-quarter cup of olive

oil. Massage as a paste over clean hands and cover with a plastic bag for twenty minutes. Rinse well.


Drown your hands in moisture by giving them a paraffin wax treatment. You can find paraffin bars at supermarkets, or you can use old can­dles. Simply put them in the microwave until they melt. First apply a thin layer of vegetable oil on hands and then dip into warm, never hot, wax. Allow to harden, and then peel off.


Soak your hands in a combination of two tea­spoons of baking soda and one denture cleanser tablet in a small bowl of warm water for five minutes. This solution will wake up your fin­gers and clean your nails. Complete the treat­ment by rubbing your favorite cleanser into the tops of hands around nails and cuticles with a vegetable brush. Rinse and pat dry.


Warm moisturizer in microwave for about ten seconds or until just warm. Rub into hands and feet. Slip on cotton gloves and cotton socks for added benefits. Let the cream do its work for about fifteen minutes, and then rinse off.

Updated: July 6, 2015 — 1:04 am