There are 11 systems that combine to make up the human body: skeletal (bone, cartilage, and ligaments); skeleto-muscular (muscles and tendons of the skele­ton); integumentary, or the external covering of the body (skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, mammary glands, and their products); nervous (brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves); endocrine (glands and hormones); cardiovascular (arteries, veins, and blood supply); lymphatic (fluid drainage and immunity); respiratory; digestive; urinary; and reproductive systems. Our skeletal system—our bones, carti­lage, and ligaments—creates the rigid framework that supports and protects our bodies. But it is the study of principally three—the skeletal, skeleto-muscular, and integumentary systems—which we focus on for designing and creating special makeup effects in this book.

Updated: June 16, 2015 — 9:45 pm