Follow these steps to clean your airbrush:
1. Pour any leftover color back into its container.
2. Rinse and wipe color cup or bottle assembly clean. To backflush color from the airbrush, keep bottle assembly or color cup attached.
PRO TIP Bradley Look says: "Spray excess airbrush cleaning product into a cleaning pot, sometimes referred to as a cleaning station. The cleaning station has a filter system that helps to trap harmful solvent so as not to be introduced into the environment." |
3. If using a color cup, cover the top of it with your thumb or a cloth to keep air from blowing out. 4. Place one finger over the air cap of the airbrush, and release some air by depressing the finger button. This causes back pressure, which induces a bubble action inside the airbrush and |
Certain safety issues do come up with airbrushing. Having good ventilation is at the top of the list. Although there is little or no proven risk of airbrushing with makeup and low-PSI compressors, you as a professional are responsible to know all the facts and safeguard yourself and the actor’s |
health. One of the first defenses for protecting yourself in the trailer is having your station near one or two open doors at either end. Windows should be open, and any built-in ventilation systems running. There should be a limit on how many people in the trailer are airbrushing at a time. Airbrushing has little or no risk, but spray-on tanning is more of a concern.
Good websites to research the latest findings on cosmetic ingredients or workplace-safety issues are the FDA at www. fda. gov and OSHA at www. osha. gov.
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