My goodness, what power words have over our self-image. To learn that my dear friend Kathy spent so many years feeling ashamed of her beauty is unbelievable. A crime!
From the moment I met her, I was fascinated by Kathy’s face. Her skin is glorious, and those eyes and cheekbones create such drama. She can wear any look with ease; a true playhouse for a makeup artist like me.
On her eyes, I used a shimmering pale gold shadow as highlight, smoothed on a copper shade that works with her skin tone, and put liquid liner on her upper lash line for drama. Women over thirty can play with shimmer as long as it’s pearlescent because it won’t settle into fine lines and will instead bring light to the face. A raisin blush accentuated her amazing cheekbones. And for a soft lip, just a touch of gloss in a sunset shade.
It’s so wonderful to see Kathy now embracing the power of her own beauty.
Michelle, 36
hometown: pacific palisades, California
In hindsight, I credit my mom for my strong self-image. She always told me I was pretty, but she also emphasized that beauty comes from the inside out. Growing up, though, I took her words with a grain of salt. I mean, don’t all moms think their daughters are lovely?
In my twenties, I entered the fashion industry and spent my days photographing models. While I understood the illusion and handiwork that goes into a shoot, I still found myself looking in the mirror and feeling inadequate by comparison. Luckily I didn’t let it break my stride as a sexy, confident woman.
Nowadays I worry a little about the aging process. But when I consider all the treatments and drama, I stop and remember how blessed I am with role models. My grandmother—who’s in her eighties—is amazingly beautiful and very assured. I hold fast to that!